A child may be enrolled if he/she reaches the age of four years on or
before 30 June in the year prior to admission.
To determine when you child can commence their preparatory
year, use the prep ready reckoner External link calculator. Full
details about enrolment in Queensland State Schools can be located on the Queensland
Government website External link.
Parents are encouraged to complete an application for enrolment in the year prior to intended start date.
Applications for those out-of-catchment will be considered in order of receipt.
Expression of interest for enrolment two
years prior to intended start date are invited to assist us with planning.
Details captured during this process will be used to communicate directly with
parents about lead-in processes prior to school start, including invitations to
lodge enrolment applications.
Proof of date of birth is required for all enrolments.
Classes are created to meet the recommended ratios of 25:1 in Prep to
Year 3 and 28:1 in Years 4-6. The physical structure of buildings supports
cooperative and/or individual teaching approaches. Our preference is for single
year level roll classes however multi-age groups are created in response to
enrolment needs.
To enrol your child, please contact our enrolment officer, Jas, on 5501 2333 or come
to the administration building.

Gilston proudly conducts the
“Enrolling Families” project for families whose children will be
starting Prep. This project has been locally designed and involves a series of
information sessions, an orientation and some pre-prep experiences for children
to ensure the transition to school is successful.